
Floor Contamination Monitor

Transportable monitor intended for the measurement and indication of floor contamination by alpha, beta, and gamma emitting radionuclides.
Nuclear power plants
Waste management
Calibration laboratories
Research centres
Nuclear medicine
Industry & manufactoring

Key Features

  • Gasless scintillation detectors
  • Various types of detectors optimized to measure different types of radiation
  • Two versions with one or two detectors
  • User friendly, ease of use
  • High detection efficiency, excellent uniformity
  • Long operation due to new rechargeable battery
  • Two pre-settable alarm levels


The FloorScan series floor contamination monitors are intended for the measurement of surface contamination by alpha, beta and gamma emitting radionuclides
on floors.

The monitor can be used in nuclear power plants, radiochemical plants, research institutes with reactors, PET centres, etc.

The device is available in two sizes:

  • with one detector (detection area 525 cm2 , FloorScan-525 series)
  • with two detectors (detection area 1050 cm2 , FloorScan-1050 series)
Product design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice or obligation.
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