
Noble Gas Monitor

Measurement and reporting of very low levels of the volume activities of radioactive noble gases discharged from nuclear facilities.
Nuclear power plants
Research centres
Industry & manufactoring

Key Features

  • Measurement of very low levels of the volume activities of radioactive noble gases
  • Correction of measured activities to specified reference pressure and temperature conditions
  • Can connect an external stack flow signal
  • Determination of total released activities and committed effective dose of noble gas radionuclides released during the specified period
  • Provides proof of compliance with the limits set out in the 96/29 / EURATOM European Union Directive laying down basic safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation


The NGM-2000 is a device designed for quasi-continuous nuclide specific activity monitoring of noble gases discharged from nuclear power plants, nuclear fuel processing plants and scientific institutions with experimental reactors. The measured sample comes either directly from the ventilation stacks or from the stack inlet ducts.

Product design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice or obligation.
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