VF has completed the development and testing of a new standardized system for radiation monitoring with the display of measurement results in a web browser. Various radiation monitors, display units and alarm units manufactured by VF can be connected to the webRMS system.

VF has completed the development and testing of a new standardized system for radiation monitoring with the display of measurement results in a web browser.

Various radiation monitors, display units, and alarm units manufactured by VF can be connected to the webRMS system.

The entire system consists of three basic parts:

  1. Radiation detectors
  2. The data server: collecting data from detectors and the archiving of this data in the SQL database.
  3. Workstations: on which a web browser is running to display the results. 

After starting the web browser and logging in, an overview of the connected detectors (measurement channels) and menu will be displayed.

In the menu you will find the following items:

  • Overview – an overview table of actual values
  • Archive – display of stored values in the form of tables and graphs for selected measurement channels
  • Alarms – display of alarms and events with a time stamp in the form of a table
  • Channels – an overview of connected measurement channels with basic parameters (units, alarm levels, description)
  • Users – overview of authorized users

More information can be found on the webRMS product page.

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